Mag. Wilhelm Molterer
European Investment Bank (EIB), European Investment Bank , 98–100 boulevard Konrad Adenauer , 2950 Luxembourg , Luxembourg
mailto: w.molterer@eib.org
Photocredit: EIB
Kurz-CV/Curriculum vitae
Wilhelm Molterer was a Vice President at the European Investment Bank (EIB) between 2011–2015. Currently he serves as Managing Director of the European Fund for Strategic Investments. Before joining the EIB, he was Member of the Austrian Parliament. He has been Vice Chancellor and Finance Minister of Austria and chairman of the conservative Austrian People’s Party. Before becoming Minister of Finance, Mr. Molterer, was Federal Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Resource Management from 2000–2003, and Federal Minister of Agriculture and Forestry from 1994–2000. Mr.
Molterer has a degree and postgraduate qualifications in economics and social sciences from the University of Linz.
The European Investment Bank’s (EIBs) mission is to finance projects that further European Union priority policy objectives, as is reflected in EIB’s Corporate Operational Plan. While the Plan’s priorities and targets include support for projects with direct environmental and social benefits—including the protection and improvement of the natural and urban environment—all projects selected by EIB have to be acceptable in environmental and social terms. The contribution provides insight into the engagement of the EIB with extra-financial ratings.